Last Post from Bunia
Make sure that you catch Amber's testimony from yesterday. It was posted late. Today's guest blogger is Joanne (aka Mama Kahawa):
Jambo Sana!
It's Sunday morning and we are preparing to attend the local church services (in Swahili), drinking our tea, taking our daily malaria meds, and listening to the Congolese children in the chapel next door sing with their whole hearts. We all are a bit sad as we think about leaving Bunia this afternoon to head to Kampala, Uganda. It's been a week full of incredible experiences. Despite the instant coffee, "interesting" foods, scarce electricity, and only cold showers (imagine living in colonial America and you've got the picture), we have known deep joy as we have adjusted to this culture and have come to love many precious people who have persevered through war and atrocities that we only imagine.
The 50+ kids in our English Bible Camp are smart! Many know the rules of English better than most of us; they appreciate the practice speaking with us. They sing beautifully with strong voices and incredible harmony. The Bible teaching has been great as Pastor Kiningani is a gifted and passionate teacher (as well as a great volleyball player). Yesterday in our small groups, the kids shared their testimonies - that was a great accomplishment as most are very reserved and don't know one another or us very well. Greg and I were blessed to hear five of our seven students share their hearts and "confess with their mouths" that Jesus is Lord of their lives.
Pastor Kiningani received your gift of a new guitar yesterday with great appreciation*. Many thanks to your generosity to him, and to us as well, for allowing us the incredible joy and privilege of being here. Please continue to pray for the hearts of the people here in Bunia. We look forward to sharing their specific stories with you we we return. May our hearts be forever changed. God bless.
- Mama Lauren (Joanne) for the team
Isaiah 55:6-11
P.S. There are swarms of little children here, who have beautiful smiles and joyful hearts in the midst of their poverty. We have felt like celebrities each day as they run to the road and wave at the "mzungos" as we pass by. How we love these precious little ones.
editorial note from Russell - Pastor Kiningani was so proud of his new guitar he brought it to church this morning and shared testimony of your generosity with the whole church.
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Jambo Sana,
It sounds like we have much to learn from these young joyful hearts. We are thankful that God used you in His ministry in Bunia and that you arrived safe in Kampala. Enjoy your God, His creation, and the safari. Please keep your arms and legs in the jeep. It would be nice to have you back in one piece. I am praying that God will manifest through you the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place you travel there. In other words, that God would work through you to be a powerful influence in the lives of many for the sake of the gospel and cross of Christ. We spent a lot of time in Home Group tonight on the daily application of these verses.
Jaydadbrohub (I love you Mama Kahawa)
II Corinthians 2:14-17
11:18 PM
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