a blog for the summer missions training team from Bethel Baptist Church

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Down the home stretch

We are gearing up to leave in just a few short days. Here are some significant milestones:

Thursday, 21 June - Bwana Asifiwe! All 10 team members now have their passports.
Friday, 22 June - Mungu ni mwaminifu! Even though we long since surpassed the team goal, we are less than $500 from having all 10 team members reach their individual support raising goals.

Sunday, 24 June - The team will be commissioned during the morning service.
Tuesday, 26 June - The team will commence final packing at 7:00 PM, followed by prayer time.
Wednesday, 27 June - The team will take its first dose of anti-malarial medication.
Thursday, 28 June
  • 1:00 PM - The team arrives with their backpacks for lunch with their families (room 152).
  • 2:30 PM - The entire church body is invited to join for team prayer time (room 102).
  • 3:15 PM - Final photos, hugs, and goodbyes in the parking lot.
  • 3:30 PM - The van rolls out of Bethel's parking lot.
  • 10:30 PM - British Airways Flight 182 departs JFK en route to London.

Friday, 29 June - British Airways flight 63 departs for Entebbe at 9:15 PM
Saturday, 30 June - The team arrives in Uganda, then gets on two little planes destined for Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo



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