... wonderful things from your law.
- Psalm 119:18

Alex read this verse from a Swahili Bible before presenting the glasses to some of the "mamas" and elders of one of the churches in Bunia. We then had the joy of watching them try on the different strengths to determine which reading glasses were the best for them so that they could once again read their Bibles, which had become quite difficult for them. They were quite appreciative:
"Thank you, thank you thank you. The fact that you young people thought of us and would collect glasses so that these people could read God's Word is a blessing and shows the love of Christ and the unity of the church to us. God will certainly certainly bless you... everyone... a lot."
- Pastor Gideon Busha

Then pastor Gideon put on his brand new spectacles and read Ephesians 1:18 and following as an expression of our hearts to theirs.
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