Team Retreat Details

We will leave the parking lot after the Good Friday Service, at the church from 12-3 PM.
We encourage you and your family to attend whatever portion of this service you can.
We will return to the church Saturday by 6 PM, and would like you to join us for dinner.
You need to bring with you:
- Your Bible
- Your Congo notebook
- Something to write with
- A journal to write in (if you don't have one you like, let me know)
- Enough money to get fast food dinner on the way down
- Enough money to go to dinner (if you can) near the church with the team when we get back
- Something modest to sleep in (just in case you run into someone in the middle of the night)
- Something comfy to sleep on like a sleeping bag, blanket or pillow
- Only one change of clothes for Saturday (if you are dressed for church you can change into something more casual after the service and send the extra clothes home or leave them at church)
- A spare pair of sturdy shoes with closed toes ("thongs" are OK for travel and meetings)
- A towel
- Only the bare essentials for getting ready (a bar of soap, a toothbrush, and a stick of deodorant should do it)
- Your "testimony"
- A two minute presentation of "the gospel"
- A working knowledge of the Swahili vocabulary list you were given
- The permission slip (that you can download on the right ->)
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