Team Roles
The following are the roles that were agreed upon at the team retreat, updated with your job descriptions:
- Communication Coordinator - Lauren
- Role on the team is to update the blog and send e-mail updates from overseas in order to keep family and supporters in the states connected with what we are doing and how we are doing as a team. It’s her job to write updates for the bulletin and church newsletters, and will take the lead on any bulletin boards or other promotional pieces. Additionally she will be sending e-mails to the team reminding them about meetings, deadlines, and commitments. Finally, she works with relationship manager to write thank-you notes from the whole team.
- Kitchen Coordinator - Amber
- Role on the team is to help with the preparation for meals, including organizing a set-up and clean-up crew for each meal served at the seminary. Also will be encouraging the team toward greater familiarization with the Bible memory verses, and will be a key person in coordinating the musical endeavors of the team.
- Prayer Coordinator - Jess
- Role on the team, based on the example in Colossians 4:2-4, is to highlight the importance of prayer, remind the team of specific necessity of prayer in ministry, and keep our obligation to bathe the trip in prayer at the forefront. Without prayer our efforts will be futile, because it is God who opens doors for the word and softens the hearts of people. She will be encouraging prayer individually and as a team, informing the church body of our prayer needs, and keeping a journal of how God answers prayer and works in our team.
- Team Chaplain - Dan
- Role on the team is to coordinate the devotions that will be held at the daily team meetings. He will work with the team leaders to come up with a general theme for the meetings, and subdivide that theme into 12 individual topics, prepare and distribute a schedule in advance of which team member will be leading each Bible study, and help facilitate the discussion. He will also seek to provide some guidance and resources to each team member to assist them in their preparation.
- Team Encourager - Vicki
- Role on the team is to lift the spirits of the group and individuals through words, actions, or special projects. She will be watching closely for pain (whether physical, emotional, or spiritual) and be sensitive to needs, helping the team to encourage one another and glorify God.
- Team Peacemaker - Greg
- Role on the team is to promote an environment proactively striving for peace and unity. In any sort of disagreement or strife, it will be the goal of the peacemaker to point the people involved to God’s ultimate glory through the conflict, to help them realize and deal with their own contribution to the conflict, and to come alongside people as they humbly and patiently confront one another and restore the relationships impacted.
- Team Photographer - Brynne
- Role on the team is to document each part of the trip visually. She will need to be aware of opportunities for group photos and also to capture our work in Bunia, as well as other good general shots. She will need to be highly sensitive of when it is and when it isn’t appropriate to take pictures before taking the camera out. She will also need to make sure that she has enough memory and film before we leave, to make the pictures available for the presentation to the church, and to get digital copies to the team.
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